A small business directory serves the needs of entrepreneurs and proprietors engaged in small business activities. Search Influence, a web marketing and small business SEO firm, was founded to serve the small business community by utilizing the Internet as a virtual selling floor. With the online success of small businesses in mind, another Internet platform – I Find Sales – was created to serve its clients.

A Small Business Resource Center

Reliable and accurate information is crucial to the business world, whether we are dealing with large corporations or local small businesses such as a grocery store.

A small business resource center can be of tremendous help to established small businesses as well as budding entrepreneurs. Apart from keeping reliable information on current market conditions, it can also help promote the spirit of entrepreneurship.

The growth of the Internet has given the small business community easy access to business information using online small business directories. It has also given small businesses a unique growth opportunity – a platform to promote their services and keep alternative channels of revenue open around the clock.

To enable small business owners to leverage this platform for optimum benefit requires web professionals dedicated solely to their cause. Search Influence has taken a step in this direction with its search engine marketing services and a small business directory called I Find Sales.

I Find Sales: A Small Business Directory

Our small business directory – I Find Sales – contains a list of local and small businesses, clients of Search Influence, and various special offers for small businesses. The directory complements the principle motive behind Search Influence – to make small businesses succeed online using web-based technology and Internet marketing to increase small business sales.

Contact us today to learn more about our small business directory and search engine services .